The Smartphone Adapter Every Nostalgic Gamer Needs

Have you missed playing the classic Gameboy games but haven’t had the fortune of finding a handheld console in good condition? Then my friend, you’re in luck!

As of April Fools 2015, there was an announcement that Hyperkin, a big player in the accessory sector for Video Games, would be developing a Smartphone adapter, called “The Smartboy” that would allow you to be able to play your favourite old school games with ease. It even comes with the buttons from the original console to play with!

smart boy

Due to this information being “leaked” on April 1st this was unfortunately put down to an April Fools joke and forgotten about.At the time they were the centre of the joke and received a lot of attention because of it. Well shame on everyone, this was one joke isn’t as inconceivable as you think.

In response to the overwhelming support they received, Hyperkin have stated that they are actually developing The Smartboy. At E3 2016 they showcased the prototype that they were running on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge but will probably be doing a version for the iPhones and other smartphones.

The adapter will cost around the $60/£45 mark and will be able to accommodate Gameboy Color cartridges and hopefully Gameboy Advance cartridges and will hopefully be shipping them out 1st December 2016. So be sure to get one pre-ordered, I know I am.

I cannot tell you how excited I am to get my Pokémon Crystal game out and dust it off for some feel good Pokémon catching fun.

What Gameboy games do you all miss playing and can’t wait to dust off?

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